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The Webster Technique: A Chiropractic Approach to a Safer and Easier Birth

Dr. Kaitlyn Jacklin, DC.
May 13, 2024

What is the Webster Technique?

Many parents often seek chiropractic care after they hear about the Webster Technique and its potential effects on breech babies. While Dr. Webster initially developed this technique in response to his daughter's challenging birth, his main focus was on improving the birthing experience for laboring individuals, rather than specifically addressing breech positioning. His approach involved a gentle chiropractic adjustment after a thorough pelvic analysis, aiming to restore sacral movement and enhance pelvic function.

Interestingly, Dr. Webster's discovery of its impact on breech presentation happened serendipitously. He once applied this technique on a mother whose baby was in a breech position, and he observed that the baby had turned head down in time for delivery. As word spread about the technique, other doctors began noticing similar outcomes – babies that were not ideally positioned often shifted to a head down presentation (the optimal position for a fetus to be in for a vaginal delivery) before birth. Dr. Webster himself claimed an impressive success rate of over 90% during his career.

However, it's important to note that there are some considerations to be made. Dr. Webster's findings faced criticism due to the relatively small sample size (around 1,000 treated pregnant individuals) and the observational nature of the study. With no control group in place, it remains uncertain whether these babies would have naturally turned on their own without the intervention of the Webster Technique.

How does the Webster Technique work?

The Webster Technique is a gentle and non-invasive chiropractic method that focuses on the sacrum, a triangular bone located at the spine's base. When the sacrum experiences dysfunction, it may contribute to a challenging labour due to factors like imperfect uterine function and pelvic contraction leading to baby mal-positioning.

This technique involves a sequence of sacral adjustments, targeting nearby muscles and ligaments as well. Its objective is to bring balance to the pelvis and ease tension in pelvic muscles and ligaments. This balance and tension reduction can potentially lead to a safer and more comfortable birth experience for both the parent and baby.

Throughout pregnancy, the Webster Technique aids the body's natural processes. As the baby grows and develops, the weight and pressure can cause the pelvis to become misaligned, which may lead to discomfort, pain, and even complications during labor and delivery. By helping to balance the pelvis and reduce tension in the surrounding muscles and ligaments, the Webster Technique may help to reduce the likelihood of complications and potentially facilitate a smoother and easier birth.

Who can perform the Webster Technique?

The Webster Technique is performed by a licensed and trained chiropractor who has experience working with pregnant people. The technique is gentle, safe, and non-invasive, and can be performed throughout all stages of pregnancy. While there is no guarantee that the Webster Technique will result in a completely smooth and easy birth, many have reported positive outcomes and reduced pain and discomfort after receiving the technique.

What are the benefits of the Webster Technique?

In addition to the potential benefits for labor and delivery, the Webster Technique may also help to alleviate common pregnancy-related discomforts such as back pain, hip pain, and pelvic pain. By reducing tension in the muscles and ligaments surrounding the pelvis, the technique may help to improve overall mobility and reduce discomfort.


The Webster Technique has now become a well-known term within the pregnancy and birth conversation. While not originally designed for breech babies, Dr. Webster's technique revealed anecdotal indications of its potential to rebalance the pelvis and relieve tension in pelvic muscles and ligaments. This effect may contribute to decreased discomfort, pain, and potential complications during labor and delivery. 

Renowned for its safety and non-invasiveness, this technique has provided numerous expectant parents with the opportunity for a smoother, more comfortable pregnancy, labor, and delivery journey.

If you wonder if the Webster Technique might be beneficial to you, click the link below to book a free 10-minute consultation.

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