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Exploring the Power of Play Therapy: A Guide for Families

Anastasia Machan, R.E.C.E, B.A, M.A.
April 11, 2024

What is Play Therapy?

Play therapy is a play-based therapy that mental health counsellors use when providing child counselling. Play is used as a tool to help children communicate their unconscious and conscious thoughts, feelings, and needs. Through play, children learn invaluable skills such as self-expression and self-regulation while working to develop their social skills and self-esteem. Play is powerful and, when used correctly, can be a way for children (and youth and even adults!) to communicate through conversation and symbology. As Maria Montessori said so long ago, “play is the work of the child” (AMI, 2023). 

When is Play Therapy Used?

Play therapy can be beneficial to everyone, regardless of the circumstance, but it can be especially helpful for children who are struggling to express how they feel or who may be grappling with their social skills. Play therapy is extremely beneficial to children who are neurodiverse as it provides the child with a safe space to explore their thoughts in a pace that is tailored to their needs. Humans were meant to play. Play is the way we explore the world around us, build relationships, and learn about ourselves. I provide play therapy that is child-led (non-directive), inquiry-based, and that provides an environment that is designed with the child’s needs and abilities at the centre.

What Does Play Therapy Look Like?

Play therapy can take on many shapes and forms and all are equally as effective. In my practice, play therapy takes on a nature-based approach where children are introduced to natural materials in conjunction with traditional play therapy tools. During a session, I like to meet the child at their level, and engage in play and observation. Here, I take note of how the child plays, the ways in which the child engages with particular playscapes, and I work to build upon the therapeutic relationship while threading the goals of socialization and self-regulation into the play itself. After I have seen the child engage in play, I meet with parents and educators to discuss potential roadblocks, goals, and plans for the journey forward. Family functioning relies on having everyone being on the same page and I am a fierce advocate! Parenting plans, educational advocacy, couples counselling, and individual counselling services are always available to families to ensure that their child’s therapy and progress is being well supported. 

Why Play Therapy is Important

The great part about play therapy is that, although it may appear to be all fun and games (and it is!), it is also a salient method of discovering, unpacking, and addressing children’s unique viewpoints, emotions, and relationship skills. Children look forward to engaging in play and, consequently, look forward to sessions with their counsellor! 

At Rooted Family Wellness Centre, we strive to support and celebrate all families. By providing our families with play therapy services, we can connect with and advocate for our littlest clients with the goal of providing holistic and family-centred care. 

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