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Gentle Sleep Consultant

Book Appointment

What can a Gentle Sleep Consultant help with?

Do you have questions or concerns about the current state of sleep in your home? Are you curious about what is normal for your child’s current developmental stage? Are you looking for tips and tricks to gently and respectfully nudge sleep in a direction you are hoping? 

Our Gentle Sleep Consultant can help! She offers a compassionate and understanding ear for your unique situation. She can also provide you with information on what is coming next and a deep understanding of why sleep is the way it is. Our consultant uses evidence-based research to bring you practical parenting tools and invaluable infant and toddler sleep knowledge and they can help pinpoint potential solutions for your family. 

What can I expect at an appointment?

You can choose either in-person or virtual appointments. For your first one, you will fill in a Sleep and Wellness Assessment ahead of time, giving the consultant the information needed to best support you during your hour together. 

You receive a summary afterwards, including all pertinent actionable items decided on during the consultation so that you can get started right away, a copy of a comprehensive ‘Gentle Approaches to Infant and Toddler Sleep’ presentation, as well as any pertinent handouts (Eating for Sleep, Self-Care for Sleep, etc.). 

Want to combine your sleep consultation sessions with a relaxing Reiki session?

Julia is also a Reiki Master and can combine her sleep consultation sessions with Reiki to offer the mental and physical balancing of light touch energetic therapy to parents and their little ones. Reiki can be a rejuvenating, relaxing, and pleasant experience for anyone in the family. It is also wonderful for parents and children for sleep hardships in the household. Visit our Reiki page to find out more.

Meet Our

Gentle Sleep Consultant

Julia Nichol
Julia Nichol is an experienced Gentle Sleep Consultant & Reiki Master. She also specializes in Miscarriage & Infant Loss Support & New Parent Support. She helps to ease your worries about your child’s sleep, incorporate gentle methods that align with your values, and work towards finding balance in the whole family to better cope with these early years. This style of sleep support takes the weight of worry off your shoulders and leaves you feeling seen, validated, affirmed, and knowing that you are not alone. Julia utilises Reiki to offer anyone in the family a stress relieving sequence of touch that leaves you feeling rejuvenated, relaxed, and at peace. This restores needed stillness while offering a nervous system reset. Julia’s approach is gentle, calming, and inviting - you need no experience with Reiki to feel comfortable trying this out. Julia also supports families as a Birth, Postpartum & Sibling Doula and a Birth Story Listener. She daydreams of a norm where new families are celebrated with much needed services that nurture the body, mind, and soul. Julia lives in Embrun, Ontario with her two children. She loves to be outdoors as much as she can, dive into a book, and cook up delicious and nourishing meals.