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Blocked Duct Ultrasound Therapy

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What is blocked duct ultrasound therapy?

Blocked duct ultrasound therapy is a specialized treatment technique used to address blocked milk ducts in the breast. It involves the use of ultrasound technology to target and alleviate the blockage. 

How does blocked duct ultrasound therapy work?

The ultrasound machine emits high-frequency sound waves that penetrate the tissues, promoting healing and reducing inflammation of the blocked duct. This non-invasive treatment method can be effective in resolving the discomfort and pain associated with blocked ducts.

What can I expect at an appointment?

In your initial assessment your provider will begin with a subjective history taking in order to gain a clear understanding of your symptoms and concerns. With your consent, your provider will then conduct a breast exam to ensure ultrasound therapy is an appropriate method of treatment for your concerns.

During the therapy session, a small handheld ultrasound device is gently applied to the affected area of the breast. In addition to the ultrasound treatment, you will also receive education, tips, and strategies to prevent the recurrence of blocked ducts and promote healing. 

Following your ultrasound therapy session you’ll be encouraged to empty the breast as much as possible, either by feeding or pumping. You are welcome to bring your baby to the session and complete a feed or bring your pump with you. 

What can you treat with blocked duct ultrasound therapy?

Blocked duct ultrasound therapy is primarily used to treat blocked milk ducts in the breast. It can effectively address the following conditions:

  • Blocked Milk Ducts: When a milk duct becomes blocked, it can result in localized pain, swelling, and a lump in the breast. Ultrasound therapy can help to alleviate the blockage, reduce inflammation, and improve the flow of breast milk.
  • Mastitis: Mastitis is an infection in the breast tissue that can cause pain, redness, swelling, and fever. Blocked duct ultrasound therapy can be used as a complementary treatment alongside antibiotics to promote healing and alleviate symptoms.
  • Engorgement: Breast engorgement occurs when the breasts become excessively full and swollen, often due to an oversupply of milk or ineffective milk removal. Ultrasound therapy can help to relieve the discomfort and improve milk flow by addressing any blocked ducts contributing to the engorgement.
  • Recurrent Blocked Ducts: Some individuals may experience recurrent blocked ducts, where blockages frequently occur in the same area of the breast. Ultrasound therapy can help to target and prevent the recurrence of blocked ducts by addressing the underlying causes and promoting proper milk flow.

You must have a referral letter/email from a doctor, midwife or nurse practitioner to see Terri for this appointment.

Meet Our


Terri Robicheau, PT
Beginning her career in orthopedics, Terri uncovered her passion for pelvic health physiotherapy and perinatal care after the birth of her children. It was then that she discovered a lack of readily available postpartum care and education for new parents in her home province of Nova Scotia. With the goal of addressing this gap in care, she has completed training in physiotherapy for various pelvic health and perinatal concerns, as well as unique training in physiotherapy for breastfeeding/chestfeeding support. With a passion for supporting new families, Terri also offers Infant Feeding Support Physiotherapy as well as Blocked Duct Ultrasound Therapy to address any issues or concerns while feeding your baby. Terri is a graduate from Baby Dance Club™ and offers this lively and engaging class at our center. Terri uses a thorough approach in her assessments and treatments, ensuring she takes the time to have a clear understanding of her patients’ concerns. She is passionate about working with her patients and empowering them as they achieve their rehabilitation goals. Terri has been practicing as a registered physiotherapist for over a decade. She graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Human Kinetics from St. Francis Xavier University, followed by a Master's of Science in Physiotherapy degree from Dalhousie University. In her spare time, you will find Terri making memories with her husband and three young boys. She enjoys being active, baking, and going on walks with her sweet new puppy.