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New Parent Support

Book Appointment

Navigating Pregnancy and Parenthood with Confidence

Pregnancy and becoming a parent can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be scary or overwhelming. Each person and family is unique, and trying to make sense of advice from friends and family and/or Google searches can often leave you with more questions than answers. At Rooted Family Wellness Centre in Kanata, Ottawa, our dedicated new parent support team is here to guide you through your pregnancy and early parenthood journey.

What We Can Help With

Our team, composed of former postpartum doulas, is committed to helping you navigate your questions, build your confidence, and become the best version of yourself for you and your baby. We offer a compassionate and non-judgmental listening ear, providing support to help you trust your decisions, reduce anxiety or worries, and feel empowered as a parent. We equip you with essential information and resources to help you make informed decisions about your pregnancy and parenting journey.

What to Expect During a Session

At Rooted Family Wellness Centre, we understand that each family is unique, and our sessions are tailored to meet your specific needs. During your personalised sessions, you can expect support in various areas, including:

  • Practical Skills: Learn essential baby care techniques such as breastfeeding or infant feeding, baby-wearing, bathing your baby, establishing sleep routines, and organising your household for a new family member.
  • Physical and Emotional Health: Receive guidance on maintaining your physical health and managing the emotional changes that come with pregnancy and postpartum.
  • Support Network: Get assistance in setting up a pregnancy and/or postpartum support network to ensure you have the help you need.
  • Childbirth Preferences: Discuss and refine your childbirth preferences to align with your personal values and desires.
  • Resources and Information: Access additional resources and valuable information to support you throughout your parenting journey.

By focusing on these areas, our team helps you feel prepared, supported, and confident in your role as a new parent.

Why Choose Rooted Family Wellness Centre

We are dedicated to providing a non-judgemental and nurturing environment where you can ask questions, express concerns, and receive the guidance you need. Our goal is to empower you with the confidence and knowledge to thrive as a new parent.

Book a New Parent Support session with us and let our experienced team support you through one of the most significant transitions in your life. 

Meet Our

New Parent Coaches

Julia Nichol
Julia Nichol is an experienced Gentle Sleep Consultant & Reiki Master. She also specializes in Miscarriage & Infant Loss Support & New Parent Support. She helps to ease your worries about your child’s sleep, incorporate gentle methods that align with your values, and work towards finding balance in the whole family to better cope with these early years. This style of sleep support takes the weight of worry off your shoulders and leaves you feeling seen, validated, affirmed, and knowing that you are not alone. Julia utilises Reiki to offer anyone in the family a stress relieving sequence of touch that leaves you feeling rejuvenated, relaxed, and at peace. This restores needed stillness while offering a nervous system reset. Julia’s approach is gentle, calming, and inviting - you need no experience with Reiki to feel comfortable trying this out. Julia also supports families as a Birth, Postpartum & Sibling Doula and a Birth Story Listener. She daydreams of a norm where new families are celebrated with much needed services that nurture the body, mind, and soul. Julia lives in Embrun, Ontario with her two children. She loves to be outdoors as much as she can, dive into a book, and cook up delicious and nourishing meals.
Christine Crook
Christine Crook is one of our Co-Founders, a fierce momma bear, and is passionate about the world of birth and postpartum. Christine has been a birth and postpartum doula for 10 years and she has worked with over 200 families, supporting them throughout the entire birthing process. For 6 years, Christine ran the Ottawa branch for a doula agency and uses her expertise to support the members of Rooted Family Wellness Centre. Christine is also a proud ally to the LQTQ2S+ community and fosters a community of love and support for all expecting and new families. Christine's leadership and expertise provide a safe space for families and she also teaches Preparing for Baby classes and provides New Parent Support at Rooted Family Wellness Centre.