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Rooted in Wellness

Rooted in Wellness is a blog for expecting and new parents with honest answers, advice, stories, and articles around growing your family.

New Family

A Team Effort: The Benefits of Feeding Support Physiotherapy‍

When providing support for breastfeeding, we often say it is like we have three patients. We have the mother, the infant, and the third patient is the feeding dyad. In our physiotherapy sessions we are assessing all three “patients” to determine where the feeding challenges are originating.

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New Family

Comfort and Connection: Discovering the Right Breastfeeding Positions for You

Breastfeeding is a natural and beneficial way to nourish and bond with your baby. While every breastfeeding experience is unique, there are several common techniques that can help facilitate successful breastfeeding. Here are five of the most common positions to breastfeed:

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New Family

7 Essential Tips for a Smooth C-Section Recovery

Recovering from a C-section can be a challenging process, both physically and emotionally. It's important to take care of yourself during this time and give yourself the time and space you need to heal. If you have any concerns or questions, be sure to talk to your doctor, midwife, or reach out to a specialist.

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How Women’s Health Yoga Can Help Regulate Your Cycle

Yoga increases interoception - one’s sense of the internal state of the body. Start by noticing how you feel at different points in your cycle. Are you tired or energized? What symptoms do you have? What makes them better or worse? Tracking your cycles and associated symptoms not only increases your awareness and helps you clearly see patterns, it gives you a baseline of data to see changes over time.

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A Pelvic Health Approach to Endometriosis Care

While there is no cure for endometriosis, pelvic floor physiotherapy can have a significant impact on many of its associated symptoms. Patients often experience improved pain relief, symptom management and are better able to participate in the activities of their daily life when incorporating pelvic floor physiotherapy into their treatment of endometriosis.

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What is Bowen Therapy?

Bowen therapy, also known as the Bowen technique or Bowenwork, is a gentle form of bodywork that aims to promote healing and restore balance in the body. The therapy is generally considered safe and non-invasive, and can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including musculoskeletal pain, headaches, respiratory issues, back pain, neck pain, headaches, sports injuries, digestive problems, and stress-related conditions.

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