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What is Bowen Therapy?

Rooted Family Team
May 29, 2024

Bowen therapy, also known as the Bowen technique or Bowenwork, is a gentle form of bodywork that aims to promote healing and restore balance in the body. It was developed in the 1950s by Australian bodyworker Tom Bowen. At Rooted Family Wellness Centre, this practice is offered by one of our Naturopaths, Dr. Ann Lawrence, ND.

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What should I expect at my appointment?

Bowen therapy involves the practitioner using light, rolling movements over specific points on the body, with breaks in between each set of movements to allow the body to respond. These movements are designed to stimulate the body's natural healing response, and can help to relieve tension, pain, and other symptoms.

What can you treat with Bowen Therapy?

The therapy is generally considered safe and non-invasive, and can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including musculoskeletal pain, headaches, respiratory issues, back pain, neck pain, headaches, sports injuries, digestive problems, and stress-related conditions. However, as with any form of therapy, it is important to consult with a qualified practitioner and to inform them of any pre-existing health conditions or concerns before beginning treatment.

Bowen Therapy is known to offer a wide range of benefits, including:

  1. Pain relief: Bowen Therapy is known to help reduce pain, including back pain, neck pain, and headaches.
  2. Improved range of motion: The gentle movements used in Bowen Therapy can help to improve flexibility and mobility, making it easier to move and perform daily activities.
  3. Reduced stress and anxiety: Bowen Therapy has a relaxing effect on the body and can help to reduce stress and anxiety.
  4. Improved digestion: Bowen Therapy can help to stimulate the digestive system and improve digestive function, which may be helpful for people with conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  5. Enhanced athletic performance: Bowen Therapy may help to improve athletic performance by reducing muscle tension and promoting relaxation.
  6. Improved sleep: Many people find that Bowen Therapy helps them to sleep better, as it promotes relaxation and reduces stress.
  7. Boosted immune system: Some research suggests that Bowen Therapy may help to boost the immune system, making it easier to fight off illness and disease.

Overall, Bowen Therapy is a gentle and non-invasive therapy that can offer many benefits to people looking to improve their health and well-being.

Book with our Naturopath, Dr. Ann Lawrence, to learn more.

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